Treatment Options

Not all atopic dermatitis (AD) treatments are the same.

The burden of AD is different for each patient—just like their treatment plan should be. Explore the range of AD treatments below and consider the benefits and risks to determine which is right for your patient.

Take a closer look at AAD Guidelines—updated to recommend therapies based on AD severity1

  • Strong recommendation in favor of the intervention
  • Conditional recommendation in favor of the intervention
  • Strong recommendation against the intervention
  • Conditional recommendation against the intervention
  • FDA indicated for atopic dermatitis

Baseline Management

Severity Assessment:

  • Assessment of signs of disease, severity of symptoms, and comorbidities
  • Extent of the negative impact on QoL

Exacerbating Factor Avoidance

  • Identity relevant trigger factor (allergens, irritants, etc) and counsel patients on how to avoid triggers
  • Baseline Therapy
  • Moisturizers/Emollients
  • Bathing Practices

Mild to Severe

Moderate to Severe

Learn more about an oral JAK inhibitor
for moderate to severe AD.

AAD=American Academy of Dermatology; AD=atopic dermatitis; FDA=Food and Drug Administration; QOL=quality of life; TCS=topical corticosteroids; TCI=topical calcineurin inhibitor; UVA=ultraviolet A; UVB=ultraviolet B.


  1. Davis DMR, Drucker AM, Alikhan A, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis in adults with phototherapy and systemic therapies. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2024;90(2):e43-e56. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2023.08.102
  2. Ahn J, Choi Y, Simpson EL. Therapeutic new era for atopic dermatitis: part 2. Small molecules. Ann Dermatol. 2021;33(2):101-107. doi:10.5021/ad.2021.33.2.101